I'm not sure what's motivated me to start a blog. Normally, I would consider myself a pretty private person, but enough of the folks I would like to keep in touch with now blog, so perhaps it's worth trying this medium to try to keep in touch with all of us being so busy now.
Here were some of my other potential names:
- Messy enough to be happy (a quote I heard recently from a stampin' up consultant about her housework philosophy. yeah....not quite there yet.)
- Stoopid friends (but I'm only Michael's stoopid friend)
- Moo (if you have to ask....)
In the end, I think that this quote from my favorite movie of all time (Pixar's A Bugs Life) captures something about me that transcends different phases of my life. It's not something that only my childhood friends would understand, or only my college friends would understand. It's my stubborness, my frequent clueless confusion, my love of laughter (even if it's at my own expense) and that little bit of childlike mischeviousness.
Life these days have been busy. At work we are doing a Charity competition where we compete with our different departments to raise money for a charity. I started out being a co-chair of the Charity Committee, but now I am the only chair, so it's been busy. This year we are raising money to support the Alliance for Lupus Research and the March of Dimes. Yesterday, we were supposed to play our softball tournament, but it got rained out. Lucky for me, since I'm a bit sore from playing on a Cary city co-ed team (filling in for an injured coworker) the day before yesterday. My ego is a little bruised as well, after striking out (swinging) to end the blow out game. Great premiere. I was hoping we would play an easier team tonight to redeem myself, but still raining. I don't know how I ended up volunteering to play 2 nights a week - but the exercise is good for me.
I'm waiting for my new
Epson scanner to get here so I can continue the organization of my film negatives and photos and eventually my wedding negatives/photos. Course this is also so that I can continue my scrapbooking.