Friday, March 02, 2007

Pizza Hut pan pizzas

Does anyone eat Pizza Hut regularly? I can't remember the last time I actually at a Pizza Hut pizza. When we were in Hong Kong, we saw a Pizza Hut delivery scooter and we were talking about the whole Pizza Hut thing. Then I remembered the reading program where we read books & then earned little individual pizzas. I think that was really the only time I've really eaten at Pizza Hut. There was a recent article saying how the Book It program is still going, but now under fire because of the whole childhood obesity thing. I can't remember if this was the same thing as the little green worm - where each book was another little round body part that you added to your worm. Does anyone one else remember this? Was the worm thing something else.


Carina said...

I think it was the same thing...Book It. Yeah, I remember that, too.

Unknown said...

Kids are obese... morbidly obese, but not because of Book It. "Gee, maybe the hours they sit in front of the TV?" complains the first grade teacher who has students who are over 100 lbs.!