Wednesday, November 28, 2007

9 weeks to go!

So last week, the baby's movements have become MUCH stronger. I guess it must be getting more cramped in there, because I can feel wiggles and movements - plus the kicks and jabs are getting to be a bit uncomfortable at times. I've actually had a few kicks that made me stop mid sentence and have to collect myself before continuing to talk!

At my 5 min OB appointment today, the doctor (that I've been warned is really a good guy, just a little crazy) said that even though the baby was breech in the 3D ultrasound, that by next week we should know the baby's position. Felt a little dumb, because it didn't even occur to me that he was in the "breech" position during the ultrasound. Most babies don't start turning til next week anyway, so no need to worry. Next appointment is with the only female doctor in the practice. The zany doctor that everyone warned me about was cool though - went to UNC, and I guess I just figure he can't be any worse than the old HSLL program folks that lived in my dorm, so it doesn't faze me.

So yeah, 9 more weeks to go! The baby is supposed to be gaining about a half a pound a week - so maybe he's over 4 lbs now??? Kinda crazy! Not sure where it's all gonna go!


Carina said...

Wow, only 9 weeks to go...that's amazing. The best part is that the next 9 weeks are going to seem like 9 years :)

makihsieh said...

I can't wait to see a new life. How beautiful and amazing that you can feel it. = )