Thursday, February 28, 2008
Normally Max is not too big into the whole swaddle thing. Is it just me or do these swaddle blankets look suspiciously like straight jackets. We heard some popping noises coming from Max's hip the last few days and the doctor told us to come it so they could check it out so I took him in. The doctor said that it's probably just a ligament - more common in the shoulders & he was able to get it to happen on Max's shoulder while we were there today. But the doctor check his hip sockets and was unable to get his hip to come out of socket, so he said that was good & showed me how to check it next time it happens.
I changed Max's diaper as soon as we got to the pediatricians office & then we weighed him - 9lbs 7 ounces. While I was taking him back to the room from the scales he promptly spit up on me (I had just finished feeding him at home before I came to the dr.'s office). Then while the doctor was examining him, he spit up again some more - in fact he's spit up a whole bunch since he got weighed. He also pooped while the doctor was examining his butt/hips - the doc was quick with that diaper shield! So I changed him, then while the doc was explaining follow up, he pooped again! I changed him and then he pooped yet again! So I'm pretty sure that he lost at least 2 ounces after getting weighed, but 8 ounces in 6 days is looking good. We haven't had to supplement any formula or breastmilk after I feed him for quite a while now - so the latest weigh in was good to know that he's just falling asleep because he really is full. And I think we're done with newborn swaddlers....onto the next bigger (read: higher capacity) size.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Seems that getting a shot of max when he is awake is tough. Here's a rare one taken last week - onesie made by max's great auntie. today max is 3 weeks old. we went to visit dad at work today for lunch and to get out of the house for a few minutes. max slept the whole time starting from the car ride to work and only started fussing when it was time to go home. of course he slept on the ride home & then started crying once the car stopped!
Sunday, February 24, 2008
we are trying to catch up on some sleep and laundry this weekend. saturday, max got a visit from his great grandmother who was returning from a trip to the west coast and we got to eat some dim sum take out at the house with family. max got lots of presents from his relatives on the west coast and those who have not gotten a chance to visit him yet.
weigh in
took max to the pediatrician on Wed. he was only 8 lbs 8.5 ounces and the dr was not happy that he had only gained .5 ounce in 8 days. he told us to up bottle feedings to 3 ounces and feed him more often. after not getting any sleep tuesday night after my mom left & I woke up to every noise max made in his sleep, i was very upset at the pediatrician's conclusion that we weren't feeding him enough. but finally got some sleep & slept in the other bedroom while Wei Yan slept with the baby in our bedroom after that 1st night.
thurs & friday morning pm max decided on his own that he wanted to be fed every 2 hours for the first couple feeding of the day. saturday night he took 4 ounces of formula and would not be ok with anything less. friday we took him back to the pediatricians office and he was 8 lbs 15 ounces. i think he's gained even a few more ounces since then. luckily we've made it through most of Saturday without having to give him any formula and he's been content, so hopefully soon my milk supply will be able to keep up with him and we can keep little max gaining weight. thurs & friday were rough since it's hard to breastfeed & then try to get a supplemental bottle into him all in one feeding. saturday I even got a chance to get out of the house & walk around with him in his stroller for a few minutes.
thurs & friday morning pm max decided on his own that he wanted to be fed every 2 hours for the first couple feeding of the day. saturday night he took 4 ounces of formula and would not be ok with anything less. friday we took him back to the pediatricians office and he was 8 lbs 15 ounces. i think he's gained even a few more ounces since then. luckily we've made it through most of Saturday without having to give him any formula and he's been content, so hopefully soon my milk supply will be able to keep up with him and we can keep little max gaining weight. thurs & friday were rough since it's hard to breastfeed & then try to get a supplemental bottle into him all in one feeding. saturday I even got a chance to get out of the house & walk around with him in his stroller for a few minutes.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Thanks Grandmas!
Wei Yan's mom was here from Sunday to Tuesday and my mom was here from Tuesday until today. They have been a tremendous help and Max loved all the attention. Thank you to both of them for helping us out!
Tonight will be the first all night with just the 2 of us covering for quite a while - and the first since my infection settled in. I am feeling much better and only have 1 more day of antibiotics to go. Had a check up with the OB today and he said everything is looking good & should be a dim memory soon. Tomorrow is Max's 2 week check up - so the today & tomorrow will be ok with Wei Yan having to play chauffeur, so Thursday will be a real test.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Lip quiver & chinese new year (fixed link)
Max has some strong neck muscles! His neck is still a little floppy especially when he's tired, but with how big he is he definitely hasn't seemed as fragile as everyone told us he would be as a newborn. When he gets really upset, his lip quivers when he cries, it's really funny (your not supposed to laugh when your baby cries, I know...)
Also, here is Max's 1st ly-see (hong bao/red packet) from great grandma on chinese new year eve. Perspective makes his hand look big - it's not THAT big.
When they put Max on my chest right after he was born, I saw his hands & feet and thought - oh man they are huge! I'm supposed to think they are so tiny, but dang, they didn't look like tiny baby hands & feet. I was wondering how he fit inside my belly and thankful those kicks didn't hurt as much as they could with his big feet (thank god he didn't have room to get the momentum going for those kicks!)
Also, here is Max's 1st ly-see (hong bao/red packet) from great grandma on chinese new year eve. Perspective makes his hand look big - it's not THAT big.
When they put Max on my chest right after he was born, I saw his hands & feet and thought - oh man they are huge! I'm supposed to think they are so tiny, but dang, they didn't look like tiny baby hands & feet. I was wondering how he fit inside my belly and thankful those kicks didn't hurt as much as they could with his big feet (thank god he didn't have room to get the momentum going for those kicks!)
So I was a little hesitant to write over the last few days, but now that I've had some time to not be in pain & reflect, I thought I'd post an update. We got home from the hospital on Thursday. I had been off of vicodin for 36 hours and was not in a lot of pain. By Friday afternoon I was feeling uncomfortable sitting, and by Saturday night I was sobbing in pain and Sunday was not much better. Saturday evening, I called the doctor and he basically told me a bunch of stuff that I should have been doing to speed the healing process & make it more comfortable. None of which I really got from my nurses or doctors when leaving the hospital. All I remember them telling me to do when I went home was take 800mg of ibuprofen every 4 hours. Sunday morning, I was ready to have Wei Yan drop me off at the hospital again just so they could give me some pain meds.
Got a prescription for vicodin on Sunday from the on-call doctor but didn't seem to work well (was told to take it every 6 hours, but I was in enough pain that I was hurting by 4 hours). The on-call doctor suggested that I come in on Monday. Monday we went to see the doctor - last minute appointments were only available with the oldest partner in the group who no longer delivers babies, but has the most experience. He checked out the stitches & said everything looked ok - hard to say if the swelling was part of the normal healing process or because of an infection. He thought that I probably had an infection based on the amount of pain I was in. My blood pressure was really high, which I knew was because I was in a lot of pain.
Started on some antibiotics and vicodin (every 4 hours) and continued with the other care measures for the stitches. I've been feeling better - at least not in continuous pain or crying because of the pain. Not sure if I could have avoided an infection or not, but I'm sure if the nurses/doctors had given more more information on what I should have been doing to take care of myself I would have at least been in a little less pain. Or maybe all of the pain really was because of an infection, I'm really not sure. I think had I not been feeling so good upon discharge, I wouldn't have been taken by such surprise and perhaps the nurses/doctors would have given me more instructions or at least know when things weren't going well right from the start of the pain.
I definitely have learned a lot from the last week or so.
1. Always ask the doctors what to expect and what to do if something happens that you don't expect and when to call them.
2. Make sure that you have people taking care of you, so you can take care of the baby. They will end up taking care of the baby too, but make sure they are people who will tell you when your maternal insticts are making you do more than you should. It's best to have a woman you can call who has been through what you've been through, to help tell you all the stuff other people don't tell you.
3. Pain is good in that it tells you when something is wrong and makes you slow down when you need to. Pain meds are bad in that they do lie to you and tell you you can do more than you should be to recover. Pain meds are good if they help lower your blood pressure below 150/120 and stop the sobbing.
4. Have your baby at the end of the week so that you don't have to be in pain over a whole weekend if something goes wrong once you go home ;-)
It's weird how there was so much information given to me on the pregnancy and even how to take care of the baby once he arrived, but I had virtually no education on what I should be doing to take care of myself after the pregnancy ended. I have had a lot of folks tell me some of the normal changes, but not a lot on what I should or should have been doing to take care of myself. And yes, this post is at 4am. Christina told me that she was more tired during pregnancy than once the baby arrived, and I would tend to agree. I have not been able to sleep all the time, so I sleep when I am really tired. Luckily my mom is here now, so she's taking care of the baby when wei yan is at work & I'm tired & can actually sleep.
Got a prescription for vicodin on Sunday from the on-call doctor but didn't seem to work well (was told to take it every 6 hours, but I was in enough pain that I was hurting by 4 hours). The on-call doctor suggested that I come in on Monday. Monday we went to see the doctor - last minute appointments were only available with the oldest partner in the group who no longer delivers babies, but has the most experience. He checked out the stitches & said everything looked ok - hard to say if the swelling was part of the normal healing process or because of an infection. He thought that I probably had an infection based on the amount of pain I was in. My blood pressure was really high, which I knew was because I was in a lot of pain.
Started on some antibiotics and vicodin (every 4 hours) and continued with the other care measures for the stitches. I've been feeling better - at least not in continuous pain or crying because of the pain. Not sure if I could have avoided an infection or not, but I'm sure if the nurses/doctors had given more more information on what I should have been doing to take care of myself I would have at least been in a little less pain. Or maybe all of the pain really was because of an infection, I'm really not sure. I think had I not been feeling so good upon discharge, I wouldn't have been taken by such surprise and perhaps the nurses/doctors would have given me more instructions or at least know when things weren't going well right from the start of the pain.
I definitely have learned a lot from the last week or so.
1. Always ask the doctors what to expect and what to do if something happens that you don't expect and when to call them.
2. Make sure that you have people taking care of you, so you can take care of the baby. They will end up taking care of the baby too, but make sure they are people who will tell you when your maternal insticts are making you do more than you should. It's best to have a woman you can call who has been through what you've been through, to help tell you all the stuff other people don't tell you.
3. Pain is good in that it tells you when something is wrong and makes you slow down when you need to. Pain meds are bad in that they do lie to you and tell you you can do more than you should be to recover. Pain meds are good if they help lower your blood pressure below 150/120 and stop the sobbing.
4. Have your baby at the end of the week so that you don't have to be in pain over a whole weekend if something goes wrong once you go home ;-)
It's weird how there was so much information given to me on the pregnancy and even how to take care of the baby once he arrived, but I had virtually no education on what I should be doing to take care of myself after the pregnancy ended. I have had a lot of folks tell me some of the normal changes, but not a lot on what I should or should have been doing to take care of myself. And yes, this post is at 4am. Christina told me that she was more tired during pregnancy than once the baby arrived, and I would tend to agree. I have not been able to sleep all the time, so I sleep when I am really tired. Luckily my mom is here now, so she's taking care of the baby when wei yan is at work & I'm tired & can actually sleep.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
1st portrait
Max wouldn't wake up for the lady to take his picture at the hospital, but check out the pictures she took of him on Thursday before we left the hospital.
Friday, February 08, 2008
Introducing Maxton Takahiro Chan
It has been a couple of long nights. We finally decided on a name, Maxton Takahiro Chan. We were released from the hospital yesterday around 5pm and suddenly we were on our own. Things have been a little crazy since. No more room service. No more calling the nurse for help with Max. No more sending him to the nursery for some rest. Yeah, the hospital was nice.
Our first night at home was sleepless to say the least. Max just would not sleep on his own. He would only sleep if someone held him. So Robin and I took turns holding him last night while the other slept. I think I actually dozed off a few times holding him... luckily I didn't drop him!
We took Max to the doctor today just for a quick check up and they said he has gotten more jaundiced. He is reading 12.4 on some jaundice scale, up from 7.5 when he left the hospital. We have to bring him back to the pediatritian tomorrow to see if it is still going up. If so, they will place him under some lamp or something.
CC has been a great help these last few days. She's been over here helping us watch Max and even got us food and did some grocery shopping for us. Thanks Sis!
I would also like to thank everyone for their well wishes in emails, text messages, voicemails. I have read and heard them all. I apologize for not responding back but it has been very crazy here, lots to adjust to. Max has been taking up all of our time and energy!
Tekelec released their earnings yesterday. Numbers were good. Yay! Stock goes down? Boo! Bonus is 140% Yay! So that's a wash I guess.
Anyway, here are a few recent pics:

Our first night at home was sleepless to say the least. Max just would not sleep on his own. He would only sleep if someone held him. So Robin and I took turns holding him last night while the other slept. I think I actually dozed off a few times holding him... luckily I didn't drop him!
We took Max to the doctor today just for a quick check up and they said he has gotten more jaundiced. He is reading 12.4 on some jaundice scale, up from 7.5 when he left the hospital. We have to bring him back to the pediatritian tomorrow to see if it is still going up. If so, they will place him under some lamp or something.
CC has been a great help these last few days. She's been over here helping us watch Max and even got us food and did some grocery shopping for us. Thanks Sis!
I would also like to thank everyone for their well wishes in emails, text messages, voicemails. I have read and heard them all. I apologize for not responding back but it has been very crazy here, lots to adjust to. Max has been taking up all of our time and energy!
Tekelec released their earnings yesterday. Numbers were good. Yay! Stock goes down? Boo! Bonus is 140% Yay! So that's a wash I guess.
Anyway, here are a few recent pics:
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
Mother and baby are now sleeping. We got moved to our postpartum room. This room is even nicer than our last one. Rex just renovated this wing, so everything is brand new. We even got a decent HDTV (looks like a 32" LCD) to watch the Duke/UNC game tomorrow night.
We will be staying here until Thursday evening, I believe. I think that's standard these days to keep the mother/child for 2 days after the birth to make sure there are no complications. They also have to give him his shots and circumcizion.
The rest of the pics can be found here:
I'll have to warn you, tho, some of these shots are NWS... there are some penis shots in there. :-)
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Baby Chan is here!
Wow, we've had alot of progress the last few hours. The doctor (Dr. Zimmerman, UNC Grad!) just came and checked the cervix. It's 8cm dilated now! He said it should hit 10cm within the next few hours and then she can start pushing. Getting close!
We decided to go ahead and get the epidural, so the doctor just came in and administered it. Robin is feeling much better now. :-) Just resting right now waiting for her to dilate some more. The goal is 10cm. She is still 4cm.
In Labor
The doctors came in this morning around 7am and started the Oxytocin drip to induce the contractions. They also went ahead and broke her water so the baby will have to be delivered within 24hrs of that no matter what. The contractions are varying between 1.5 - 3 min apart so not real consistent yet. The pain is increasing now so we are talking about going ahead and getting the epidural now. She is 4cm dilated.
At the Hospital
We are in the hospital now. The room is pretty nice and spacious with our own bathroom. They prepped Robin for the induction and gave her some ambien to help her get a good nights rest. They will be giving her some petosin(sp?) at around 7am to kick start the labor. The labor/contractions should begin shortly after that. It is unclear how long after the contractions starts before the baby comes but they said it varies anywhere from a few hours to a few days! Hopefully, we will be on the lower end of that spectrum.
I'll try to keep you guys posted on the progress and maybe post some pictures.
I'll try to keep you guys posted on the progress and maybe post some pictures.
Monday, February 04, 2008
Go Baby!
We're off to the hospital tonight! The doctors will try some stuff to try to get me dialated to ~3-4cm so we're heading in tonight. Then tomorrow morning (EARLY!), they will induce and hopefully we will have some good news for everyone very soon!
Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers that we will have a safe and healthy delivery of our little boy! Lots of love to everyone of you who are reading our blog and pulling for us. We appreciate all of your support and prayers for us as we enter this very exciting new time in our lives!
Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers that we will have a safe and healthy delivery of our little boy! Lots of love to everyone of you who are reading our blog and pulling for us. We appreciate all of your support and prayers for us as we enter this very exciting new time in our lives!
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