Thursday, August 14, 2008

Other updates


We are getting tons of giggles and chuckles from Max these days, so I guess we take the good with the bad. The last 2.5 weeks have been brutal! Just a few days ago I finally caught up on sleep. I was beginning to be afraid that there was something wrong, cuz the usual "good night's sleep" (for a parent of a 6 month old) just wasn't doing it, and I found myself just exhausted. Max started off not sleeping well right before we left for California. Then while we were in Califoria and even after we got back, he was up crying every 1-3 hours with a few 4-5 hr stretches a few nights in there. Sometimes he just needed his paci, and other nights it was rocking, nursing and getting him to go back to sleep. Could have been teething (no teeth yet, but I've heard that they can just be moving around under there & causing pain), growth spurt, change of timezones, change of routine, stresss from me or changing sleep patterns going along with all the new stuff he's learned (sitting up, push ups, creeping, etc.) One night back here, we tried to give him a bottle after I fed him at 7 then 8:30, then around 9:30/10 - and he took a whole 4.5 oz bottle (which is the size of his normal feedings!) I started on fenugreek and finally got one really good night of sleep (Max had an 11 hr stretch after his 1st day back at day care) - so guess my supply is finally ramping up. But I'll catch him wincing every once in a while when i'm feeling his I agree with my friend, it's probably a little of everything. So we're back into the normal routine...and things are getting better.

Max is also creeping along, so I think crawling is coming soon.
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