Monday, September 22, 2008

Go to sleep!

For the last few days, Max has NOT wanted to go to sleep. We've tried everything - putting him to be earlier, later, feeding more, nursing him to sleep, rocking, co-sleeping, let him cry a bit, etc. He's been waking at night and early in the morning. He's also gnawing on everything, so I'm sure teething is partly to blame. I think I saw somewhere that with his added mobility the separation anxiety is kicking in & he doesn't want to sleep when he could be crawling around. So, all that nice routine of rocking him til he was sleepy & putting him down for him to go to sleep by himself is all lost for now. :-) hopefully this will pass soon...


dowroa said...

Ugh. We are going through the same thing with Megan. You are not alone.

Side Note: Megan has decided that she is going to skip crawling, and is instead, going straight to walking. :\

- brian

The Herrings said...

we're there with you. Megan is very anti-sleep these days. I feel like we're having to start all over again. we're hoping this is just a phase and will pass. but it really is tough to have to get up in the night just when you were getting used to sleeping again! hang in there!!!

The Herrings said...

ha -- brian and i were commenting at the same time! obviously, we REALLY understand what you're going through and feel your pain! =)