Monday, June 15, 2009


I hate bananas. To be more precise, just the thought of them makes me a bit nauseous. I don't mind banana flavored candy, and I can sometimes tolerate them in shakes if there are a lot of strawberries or pineapples in the shake - but most of the time I just don't bother. Strangely enough, I tried some banana pudding (with some strawberries) the other day and really liked it. I think it was all the sugary pudding and strawberries and vanilla wafers that I liked. I guess I've now acquired this southern taste after being here for 14 years...the other stuff was a little easier to pick up! ;-)

So anyway, Max is a banana eating machine. This video is a bit long. In less than 90 seconds, Max destroys this banana (not a whole one). We'll make sure on 4th of july he see's kobayashi & chestnut competing in the hot dog eating contest to continue his training.


The Herrings said...

that is impressive. i am truly in awe. megan could learn a thing or two from max about eating bananas! She now prefers to stick her fingers through the bananas and make little holes before eating them.

Mommy said...

Can Max come over to teach Carter how to eat bananas?

Robin said...

LOL, he hates them cold - so no refrigerated 1/2 bananas for Max (uh, usually cuz he's eaten 1 & 1/2 bananas). He's also gotten into a bad habit of chewing on a whole mouthful of food & then letting it all fall out instead of swallowing it. Really gross and not sure what that's all about.

And Jenny, yes! We should get together soon!

Charlene said...

Whoa! I do see some eating contests in his future.