Wednesday, September 05, 2007

No More Meetings!

So for the last 3 days at work, I've been called into these all day meetings. The first one was the Friday before Labor day. Even after being out of the office all this morning to meet my new OB, this afternoon was just excruciatingly painful by 2:30pm. And maybe the prospect of being a new mom had made me less cynical, but I seriously was not in the mood to hear a gripe fest on how impossible our task was (or how dumb our higher ups were for asking to do the task) or maybe I just don't see how it helps me get stuff done. This is why I never want to go into system engineering. The joke is that those who can't work with other go onto become system you can imagine some of the heated discussions we've had thus far. And some of us have only known each other for a few days. The fighting really wasn't too bad, I just don't see how the marathon sessions can really be called productivity.

Oh, but I liked the new OB office. Great first impression and very friendly staff and doctor. Even though I keep hearing the heartbeat each week and this week's growth is definitely some stretching on my belly skin, it just doesn't seem all that real to me yet. Today, I may be feeling the baby move, or maybe I'm just imagining it cuz today I've had about 3 people ask me if I've felt it yet. I'll let y'all know when I decide. ;-)

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