Sunday, July 27, 2008


go it! finally! downloaded a bunch of free apps to check out...hopefully all went well with the sync since i'll be without the laptop for a week. went for the white. gotta find a case, headset, and what else??

baby yoga

so i don't know if these are pilates or yoga (done more pilates than yoga). So we've got swan:

downward dog (yes, i know his eczema is bad...he's just starting to itch it):

and plank:
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today he rocked back & forth if we put him on his hands and knees, but he doesn't go anywhere. He does a lot of the plank with a knee we'll see. i'm hoping he doesn't crawl for the first time while we are in cali and wei yan is here for the week.

i guess he likes his jumper


we've been looking for the baby einstein jumper that bounces much better than this one, but Max really is quite entertained by this thing. of course i took out half the toys and only put batteries in one of the toys....sheesh, and they wonder why kids have this "add thing".
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Friday, July 25, 2008


so i will be traveling with max on monday am to california. my grandmother passed away this week, and we'll be going to her funeral and spending time with family. max is visiting grandparents in greenville for a little bit, and I'll be trying to get a few things done before our trip. except, I got a little work done and a few loose ends, but nothing major in preparation for our trip. i tried to get some music on my shuffle that work gave me & i have yet to set up. vista stinks. itunes ended up freezing and after trying to figure out how to get only songs i want (wei yan and i have different taste in some music), i ended up giving up after some click unchecked all the boxes I had selected and much cursing of my laptop ensued. sometimes i can't believe i do "computer stuff" for a living. at least i am NOT a windows programmer.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Max's first trip to the pool

We finally made it to the pool. Max was a little on the tired side when we finally made it out, so he just spent most of the time looking around and not reacting much - or maybe he was just amazed. I know some people now recommend no pool time for kids because of ear infections, but we never had any growing up and I doubt we'll make it out that often (we've 2x in 4 years beforenow).

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

More crazy hair

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yeah, i know it's time for another of these days.

Viva Las Vegas

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so this was a big hit with the day care folks. poor max. one day he's just gonna look at us and shake his head. my excuse here is that there is NOT a lot to do with an infant in vegas. the day care folks started it with the whole elvis nickname. by the way, one of the bulletin boards at his day care awarded Max with the MVH award (most valuable hair). ;-)

Saturday, July 12, 2008

iphone in raleigh durham NC

So yesterday (friday) at lunch, we went to the apple store at Southpoint mall in durham, nc. The line was around the building (all the way around to the back of the building). Our friend talked to the guy at the front of the line. He had been in line since 7am (stores opened at 8am) and it took him 5 hours to get to the front of the line. We gave up and ate lunch at the food court. Five guys have good burgers (messy, but good).

Today, we headed to the mall again. We get there...the line looks like it's coming from Barnes and Noble. No such luck, it's just there is no shade next to the apple store, so folks lined up a few feet away next to the Barnes and Noble. An apple emplyee was out in the line. He told us that the line would take an estimated 3-4 hrs (ok, and yesterday's line was well over twice as long physically and buggy issues as well). He also told us that existing attm customers with discounts (like our company discount) can only activate the iphone at an ATTM store (and let us know that stores in the area were out of the iphone). He mentioned we could call ATTM and have our discount removed (takes 48 hrs) and then come back. So, I'm not as bummed as I was yesterday (I really was thinking I could get one...they mentioned a line but said that they would not be running out over the phone). When we were leaving the mall after a few errands, the apple store employees were handing out waters and ice cream sandwiches to folks in the store.

So maybe in another few days I'll get it when one of the attm stores gets more iphones in.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

A few family photos


Grandma and Max - had to check his clothes for lipstick stains before they went into the wash...


Uncle Ryan and Grandpa with Max
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Our Vegas/LA trip photos

So I didn't take a whole lot of pictures. A few places we had SLR photographers, so rather than try to take a million pics, I hope we get copies from folks, but here they are.

Us in front of the only sign we could find for WSOP. They would not let us walk through the gaming Expo while we were there since Max was with us :-( Was looking forward to at least a few cool giveaways, but oh well, guess we had enough stuff to travel with.

Max with Auntie Maki. Max showed Auntie Maki how he could roll over and smile.

4th of July



So we put Max in the crib provided by the Rio hotel in Vegas a lot when we were getting ready. The thing looked like a cage (shiny chrome bars) but seemed safe, which is more than I can say for other cribs provided by hotels that I've read about on other peoples' blogs. We came back from getting ready in the bathroom to discover that Max had spit up and then put his head down on top of his paci....resulting in this! I took a few pictures before remembering how my brother had licked a suction cup, stuck it to his head and then been horrified to discover a round hickie on his forehead when he took it off. This memory prompted me to start urgently telling Wei Yan, "Get it off! Get it off! Hurry up & get it off! He's gonna get a hickie on his chin!!!" Just a small read circle that went away promptly...
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Bridesmaid dress shops?

Posting this for a friend of mine. Any recommendations of places in LA that have a lot of bridesmaid's dresses in stock to look at? A friend is in LA until Wednesday and wants to see colors of dresses since online shopping is a bit difficult without being able to see dresses in person.