Friday, July 25, 2008


so i will be traveling with max on monday am to california. my grandmother passed away this week, and we'll be going to her funeral and spending time with family. max is visiting grandparents in greenville for a little bit, and I'll be trying to get a few things done before our trip. except, I got a little work done and a few loose ends, but nothing major in preparation for our trip. i tried to get some music on my shuffle that work gave me & i have yet to set up. vista stinks. itunes ended up freezing and after trying to figure out how to get only songs i want (wei yan and i have different taste in some music), i ended up giving up after some click unchecked all the boxes I had selected and much cursing of my laptop ensued. sometimes i can't believe i do "computer stuff" for a living. at least i am NOT a windows programmer.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your grandmother! You'll be in our prayers! Let us know if we can help...