Tuesday, July 08, 2008



So we put Max in the crib provided by the Rio hotel in Vegas a lot when we were getting ready. The thing looked like a cage (shiny chrome bars) but seemed safe, which is more than I can say for other cribs provided by hotels that I've read about on other peoples' blogs. We came back from getting ready in the bathroom to discover that Max had spit up and then put his head down on top of his paci....resulting in this! I took a few pictures before remembering how my brother had licked a suction cup, stuck it to his head and then been horrified to discover a round hickie on his forehead when he took it off. This memory prompted me to start urgently telling Wei Yan, "Get it off! Get it off! Hurry up & get it off! He's gonna get a hickie on his chin!!!" Just a small read circle that went away promptly...
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Unknown said...

*HAHAHAHAHHA* what a great expression on Max's face... like he's saying, "What the...??"

Unknown said...

Very cute! Don't they just do the funniest things!