Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Good Health
Max & I got sick while Wei Yan was gone so not much to report on that - we survived him being gone. I've gotten some meds and feel better already. While dad was away, I didn't fill Max's days with much fun - just TV and books. Here was a gift dad brought Max - and he sure likes it! Looking forward to many more smiles from our little guy to brighten our day.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Thanks to Auntie CC who got creative and made Max's costume this year from scratch! :-) Max didn't go trick or treating, but we did go to a get together at a neighbors house, so he got to check out all the other costumes.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
October 2009
And here is a picture of Max when Daddy came home after work one day. THIS is why both of us like pick up way better than drop off.
Here at the farm across the street from his day care. It is a real farm, but they cater to the holiday stuff mostly. We'll have to go back because even though he did NOT want any of the pumpkins (we left empty handed, but all the little pumpkins were sold out), he was NOT happy about leaving the tractors. With Cars and Finding Nemo are his 2 favorite movies now, his favorite games are lining up his cars, WWF wrestling with his stuffed "Mo Mo" (Nemo) and tractor tipping (like "May may" Mater from Cars).
Peanut Butter Cookies
We got him tested and he's allergic to peanuts, eggs and shellfish (shrimp & crab reacted and the other bivalves were pretty low). Max tested negative for ovo-mucoid, which means he is ok with egg so long as it's cooked long enough to break down the proteins, so no scrambled eggs or even hard boiled eggs - stuff should be baked at a high temperature for a signifant amount of time. By completely eliminating exposure, this should help Max grow out of it if he is going to, so we're going to keep our fingers crossed.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Mo Mo
bad from a peanut butter cookie. Then he started the hyper reaction to
benadryl. He's been having some trouble with his 2nd year molar (all
his 1st molars are in) - so the sleeping has been all out of wack.
Here he is with his cow (the only stuffed animal he seems to care for
at all) and watching his most recent demand ("mo mo" = Nemo). Luckily
wei yan figured that one out at 2:30am last night, cuz Max was getting
really frustrated with me for not getting it.
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
This kid's got rhythm
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Yay for me!
18 months old now!
We had his 18 month check up today where he was 22lbs 4 oz (moving up to 8th percentile from 4th), 30-1/8" (4th percentile, but he was NOT happy about being forced to stretch out, so don't think that was very accurate) and 10th percentile in head circumference. Seems like each time he goes, his reaction to the shots gets worse. This time was a full out meltdown including 3 bandaids to help stop the bleeding on his finger prick (hemoglobin level to check his dairy/starch gluttony and lack of most other stuff isn't a problem). He ripped off all bandaids and was NOT having any of that. Luckily dad wore a red shirt today!
Sorry, been a little slow on the updates. Grandma was here for a week and I'll have to post some pics of that visit soon.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
we have no idea where this came from or how long it will stay.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Thank you
So while we were in Cali, we visited one of our friends and Max was playing with their daughter in their backyard. I heard some commotion & found Max had backed this little girl up against the wall and he was trying to claim all of (her) bubble wands. I scolded Max and since he's been having much trouble with the whole sharing concept, I tried for success by asking him to pick 2 and let the owner have the rest (assuming here that with 1 in each hand he could not protest too much). After he grabbed 2 (of her bubble wands, mind you) I told him, "say 'thank you'" - just as a passing comment and I heard a "do do" in a VERY loud, forced tone! ATTITUDE already??? And this since I wasn't really expecting him to say anything, cuz he's said a 2-syllable "do-do" a few times in a rising & falling pronounciation a few times a while back. These 2 survived their encounter with no hard feelings - how nice it is to be young enough to forget infractions in minutes!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
1st flight down
he would not be happy about being awoken 3-4 hrs before he normally
does, we waited til the last min to get him up.
He was awake & fairly active the whole fight and then we touch down &
2 min taxiing then he is PASSED OUT! Now we're stuck waiting on the
tarmac, so guess it's a good time for a nap.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
I think the time of toddler frustration is coming though. The other day he spent a good 20 min pointing at something in a bucket of toys - and it felt like I had picked up almost every toy in the bucket which didn't seem to elicit a positive response. We finally ended up distracting him, but that trick is harder to do once he gets his mind set. So, might be a while for posts unless I get a lot of pics/videos while we are in cali...
Looking for fun stuff to do while we are there...
Monday, June 15, 2009
So anyway, Max is a banana eating machine. This video is a bit long. In less than 90 seconds, Max destroys this banana (not a whole one). We'll make sure on 4th of july he see's kobayashi & chestnut competing in the hot dog eating contest to continue his training.
Monday, June 08, 2009
wink wink!
Monday, May 25, 2009
More rice please
called Merlion. Food is awesome there, and max ate almost all my rice
last time we went. I didn't realize that my dish came with a special
rice cooked with chicken broth. So this time, once max figured this
out he was very untrusting - he had to see the rice coming from the
correct side of the plate. Again, he ate the rest of the rice from
dad's plate, and then some from his own order. As you can see, not fun
to try at home. We had to change his rice encrusted clothes as soon as
he got out of his high chair. He also loves Thai sticky rice which is
much less messy! Big tip for the waitresses.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Max's babblings
New Friends
Max had a visitor today. Normally when we see him with other kids, he's pretty quiet & reserved but he took a liking to our friends' god-daughter. She is 2.5 years old.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Max's first baseball game
So here in the Triangle, hockey is the only professional team around - so we went to see a Durham Bulls game (the same team from the movie) with our company. This was at the end of the night when Max was tired, but he actually had a much better time than I thought he would have. He enjoyed all the music (each batter has their own song), cheering and clapping - as well as all the people. He wouldn't try any of the ballpark treats, but this can all wait I'm sure. We'll probably try to go to another game this season after we saw Max had a good time - also, he made it to the end of the 7th inning! (ok, we didn't actually make it for the 1st 2 innings)
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Arranging my shoes & cars
Max has spent a lot of time the last few day arranging & re-arranging his cars and also his shoes that are on the top shelf of his toy shelves. Wei Yan says that maybe he got Ryan's airplane OCD with arranging his toys...I think it's just his brain figuring out that all cars/trucks are the same and all the shoes are shoes. Kind of like how every bird is a "duck" right now.
Max now sleeps with his butt up almost every time these days. I also got a shot of him with his trusty yellow truck firmly in his grip!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Mother's Day
So here is another cool shot I took of Max at the park today. I'm really enjoying the camera - and I think I'm better at getting Max to look at the camera than Wei Yan is. So the shot of Max & I at IHOP this morning (we took Wei Yan's mom out to eat before she had to work today) is the best one we got even though Max isn't looking at the camera.
Saturday, May 09, 2009
Wheels turnin!
start seeing how his little brain is figuring stuff out. Yesterday,
when we asked Max where his dirty diaper goes, he walked over to it,
picked it up & threw of in the trash can! I certainly was surprised!
Today, he was a total ham at the Chans' restaurant. Dancing, waving,
high fiving & smiling at the customers. He also climbed into the
element, then up onto the seat next to his car seat. Dad had to help
him into his car seat after that, but it's crazy thinking how we've
been carrying him in & out of a car for 15 months straight. Course the
lame Element doors mean we will continue to do so 99% if the time, but
it's still just so foreign to me all that he is able to do so much
more each day.
Oh, he also demolished a whole banana in about 2 minutes today - and I
am not exagerrating. We asked him if he wanted to eat a banana like
his friend megan, but we still cut it in thirds. And all this time
we've been cutting his bananas up into tiny little pieces!
Thursday, May 07, 2009
Max's favorite part of the beach
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
May 3rd - hair do
So I had a little fun with Max's haircut growing out. He was in a good mood (he was eating) and I got some good shots of him being silly. Note that we were at least able to get his yellow truck out of his hands for a meal. Oh and one of these shots kind of reminds me of my cousin eric a little - might be the hair or the dimple.
Jockeys Ridge and Kill Devil Hills
Saturday, April 18, 2009
April outdoor adventures
Monday, April 06, 2009
Growth Spurt
Monday, March 30, 2009
Back in action
In other news, work got hit by this worm:
And I just that 60 min segment last night after the Carolina game (go Heels!) so I'm booting my PC at work. It was acting strange & I'm super paranoid...seems like I should know more, but I'm just a programmer, not an IT specialist.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
stomach flu
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
New heights
He's been trying to climb for a few days, but tonight he finally got it. We'll work on "not climbing" tomorrow. For now we just had to celebrate what he's been trying to do for a few days now.
New words and tricks
He is not a fan or oatmeal, french toast sticks or any kind of meats. At school we can pretty much count on them telling us later that he wanted nothing to do with any of the meat. He's also started smushing up green beans before eating them, where as a few weeks ago, he would not touch anything that had been squished. So things these days seem to be going at the speed of light. Oh, and he has 7 teeth now. His 4 front teeth, 2 bottom front teeth and 1 on the bottom has just come int.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Round the neighborhood
Tried take a picture of max eating his zipper with his forehead in the
steering wheel, but typical - I whip out the camera & he quits doing
whatever he was doing!
Friday, March 20, 2009
Sunday, March 08, 2009
your child is 19.1875 pounds, and that is
at the 4th percentile for weight.
your child is 28.5 inches, and that is
at the 9th percentile for height.
your child has a head circumference of 18.125 inches, and that is
at the 35th percentile for head circumference.
Course he has no trouble eating, 1/2 grilled cheese sandwiches, mandarin oranges, cheese and yogurt are his favorites these days. We just started him on the citrus fruits and he was screaming "moa!" with the most pathetic, panicky, insistent voice yet. We ended up having to show him the empty wendy's container before he quit asking for more.
Sunday, March 01, 2009
Season Moore Photography Gallery
It's only available until this Thursday - when Max officially turns 13 months old, so get a peek at those 1 year old portraits while you can!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
1 year old portraits
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
1st ear infection
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Max's 1st birthday party
Click on this link below for all the pics:
![]() |
Max's Birthday Party |
Of course the day went on and we felt like we didn't know who to talk to. I personally felt like the typical socially awkward engineer who should have been a better hostess in introducing folks to other folks (we had old childhood friends, college friends, work friends and poker friends, etc. at the party) But it was priceless to have a bunch of folks in the same room who have seen us become who we were, helped us get to where we are now and who we hope will be along with us on the path to the future which is just so very exciting especially when we have seen all that just 1 year can bring. So thanks and much love to everyone who could make it & those who were there with us in spirit (as I know many of you blog-stalkers were)!