Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day part II





So I guess Max's first Mother's day present is that he didn't do this to me. We were just telling our friend (5 min before this happened) about Max's biggest poop/leaky diaper. Apparently Max felt this was a challenge & decided to work on a new all time best.
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Michael Budihardjo said...

LOL... looks like Max was baking some brownies for Mother's Day this year.

Unknown said...

That's awesome! Happy 1st Mother's Day! Just wait until you have a leaky poop and open the diaper and he pees.... good times as a parent!

Carina said...

heh heh...oh the joy of poop :)

by the way, we love our Spotbot. Our carpet isn't really worth cleaning, but when there are disgusting messes (like poop or squished banana) that we don't want to clean ourselves, this does a great job.

Matt said...

Eww... I hope that the Wii was ok.

makihsieh said...

Welcome to motherhood! Poop! Makes you laugh, but it sure is gross. But still, it makes me laugh.