Monday, September 24, 2007

More outsourcing to India

Now I know that reading through pregnancy magazines that there are a fair amount of "crazes" or "trends" that really aren't much of a widespread phenomenon - just some hyped up way to sell magazines, but this article was is pretty interesting.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Week 21 update


We took my sister-in-law out for her birthday last night. For all those loved ones in Cali or far away, just thought ya'll would get a kick out of me looking pretty pregnant. I have shared with some folks that I guess I am looking more pregnant, since a few weeks ago people would ask very cautiously if I was pregnant. Then last week people started just blurting out "wow! are you pregnant????" Today a co-worker said, "well, you are looking not as skinny as you were before" with the eyebrows. I busted up laughing. Got to be about the worst way to congratulate someone on being pregnant.
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Thursday, September 20, 2007

i'm on utube

One of my high school friends sent me this link tonight. For all of you who didn't believe the story about my high school reunion, definitely check it out. And I'm the one who told her that she looks "really different" from high school. We sat with some of the band geeks who quietly ate with her and was polite.

It was kinda funny at the end with the haters who got all mad & confrontational about it not being her, but it was also really lame. But hey, it wouldn't have been high school without those folks. It's too bad that they got all pissy over it....they could have just hung back and laughed. It's too bad that they didn't show all the people who were really drunk and went crazy when the stripper part happened, cuz they TOTALLY thought it was her and were taking pictures and freaking out. Songwriterlee and I were laughing hysterically watching all of them.

Oh, and I have to admit that I liked the video cuz I was skinny in that video. Having the baby bump is kinda cool sometimes, but don't think I don't want my old body back as soon as possible! That dress wouldn't fit months ago!

Monday, September 17, 2007

It's a boy!

This ultrasound picture was taken last week at 20 weeks. It was the best one of the bunch. It's shows the head on the left with a fist in front of baby's face. The body is along the bottom, and the legs up to the knees kind of wrapped around. I'll spare future embarrassment to our child and not post the one that show it's a boy - plus it's not a real easy picture to see anything unless you are a trained ultrasound technician. I did ask if they were for sure, and they said they were & then explained to us like 3 times how we could see the boy parts on the ultrasound screen. Lucky for us carolina blue works no matter what the sex is.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Kickin' it!

Today, while sitting at my desk, I felt a couple thumps in my belly. "Definitely not lunch!" was my first thought. I was able to put my hand on my bare stomach, and sure enough, a couple more kicks! I think I have felt the baby before now, but really, it was nothing definitive. Today, was the first time I can say that I definitely felt the baby move and it wasn't some fleeting weird feeling that I may or may not have ever felt before. Very cool!

Monday, September 10, 2007

1st prenatal massage

So after a hectic day on Saturday, and the mother of all cramps in my left calf, I treated myself to a mother-to-be massage on Sunday. Actually, one of my girlfriends and I were planning to go in a few weeks, but had to reschedule for a little earlier - and it worked out. My left calf is actually still sore from that cramp I got on Friday night, so I think I'm going to have to look into some prenatal yoga/pilates classes to get back into stretching. Went to Umstead spa to use the gift certificate hubby gave me for my birthday, but wasn't able to use, cuz I got pregnant right afterwards (massages in the 1st trimester aren't recommended). It was really relaxing. I came home and fell into a deep sleep for an hour before Wei Yan woke me up for dinner. The spa is on the small side, but very luxurious and the therapist was good. I'll definitely be going again for another massage!

Friday, September 07, 2007

5K for the March of Dimes

So for the last few years, I've helped out with the 5K Run for Healthier Babies. It's going to be tomorrow, and I'm looking at quite an early start tomorrow (6am). Good thing I'm already tired & ready to head to bed. Overall, it's been really great this year. I'm coordinating volunteers, and this year there will be ~100 of them. But after a week of meetings and all the last minute stuff (spent 4 hours on email wrapping stuff up), it's been pretty tiring. Anyway, wish me luck getting some sleep tonight & getting up earlier than gotten up since last year's race. Preparation for what's coming, right?

Thursday, September 06, 2007

beef, it's what's for dinner

For some reason, I can always eat hamburger or ground beef. Chicken used to be my staple, but with this pregnancy, beef is the meat of choice these days. Perhaps it is the fact that I made tri-tip early in the pregnancy & then only ate the well done pieces (since everything is supposed to be well cooked through) that I haven't eaten a steak since becoming pregnant. Well done beef tri-tip of steak is just not my thing.
For some reason, I just have no desire to eat a steak. I don't know that it revolts me, but even if I had a steak put down in front of me, I just couldn't stomach it. Before I was pregnant, I could eat red meat maybe a few times a week - and a nice medium rare ribeye was a treat. If I had beef for lunch, I probably wouldn't feel like having beef for dinner, but today it is patty melt for lunch & hamburger helper for dinner. I'm eating even when I don't feel hungry - partially because I know if I wait until I "feel hungry" it will come on with such intensity that I might pass out trying to figure out what to eat (or kill anyone perceived as getting in my way). And also, cuz work has been pretty stressful these days, and when I'm stressed I don't feel hungry. I've only gained 5-6 lbs to date (after gaining back the 5 lbs I lost in the first trimester), but the doctor assured me that if I only gain 20, given my height & frame, it would be fine.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

No More Meetings!

So for the last 3 days at work, I've been called into these all day meetings. The first one was the Friday before Labor day. Even after being out of the office all this morning to meet my new OB, this afternoon was just excruciatingly painful by 2:30pm. And maybe the prospect of being a new mom had made me less cynical, but I seriously was not in the mood to hear a gripe fest on how impossible our task was (or how dumb our higher ups were for asking to do the task) or maybe I just don't see how it helps me get stuff done. This is why I never want to go into system engineering. The joke is that those who can't work with other go onto become system you can imagine some of the heated discussions we've had thus far. And some of us have only known each other for a few days. The fighting really wasn't too bad, I just don't see how the marathon sessions can really be called productivity.

Oh, but I liked the new OB office. Great first impression and very friendly staff and doctor. Even though I keep hearing the heartbeat each week and this week's growth is definitely some stretching on my belly skin, it just doesn't seem all that real to me yet. Today, I may be feeling the baby move, or maybe I'm just imagining it cuz today I've had about 3 people ask me if I've felt it yet. I'll let y'all know when I decide. ;-)

Monday, September 03, 2007

Week 19 update

So I realize that it's been a while since I've posted any pregnancy updates. Today makes it 19 weeks! Amost half way through! I went to my old OB for the last time at 17 weeks and heard the heartbeat for the 2nd time. As expected, the heartbeat had slowed down a bit (now in the 140s). I still haven't gained much weight, and I asked the doctor about it, and she wasn't worried about it at all. She said that she actually preferred it if I don't gain a lot of weight. Even still, I am conscious of how much I eat & try to eat when & what I can.

This week, I go to the new Ob. Once I've gone to see the new OB and they've gotten a full history & initial visit, they will schedule the 20 week ultrasound (hopefully next week). So, hopefully the next update will be a more eventful one.