Thursday, September 20, 2007

i'm on utube

One of my high school friends sent me this link tonight. For all of you who didn't believe the story about my high school reunion, definitely check it out. And I'm the one who told her that she looks "really different" from high school. We sat with some of the band geeks who quietly ate with her and was polite.

It was kinda funny at the end with the haters who got all mad & confrontational about it not being her, but it was also really lame. But hey, it wouldn't have been high school without those folks. It's too bad that they got all pissy over it....they could have just hung back and laughed. It's too bad that they didn't show all the people who were really drunk and went crazy when the stripper part happened, cuz they TOTALLY thought it was her and were taking pictures and freaking out. Songwriterlee and I were laughing hysterically watching all of them.

Oh, and I have to admit that I liked the video cuz I was skinny in that video. Having the baby bump is kinda cool sometimes, but don't think I don't want my old body back as soon as possible! That dress wouldn't fit months ago!

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