Saturday, August 02, 2008

Look Ma! Only 1 hand

So we made it out to LA okay - no issues at all. He slept for the entirety of the 1st flight and then 3 hrs on the 2nd flight. He was getting a bit bored of me and the neighboring passengers were uninterested in smiling, so he did okay, although I was nervous he would be completely bored of me after an hour & a half.

Have spent some time with family. Grandmother's funeral was Wednesday and saw a bunch of relatives I haven't seen in a long time, but our family is pretty cool in that they do get together. We had a bunch of family who drove down from Sacramento ~ so it was good to see them - since I've lived in NC for 13 yrs, it's probably been a good 20 since I've seen some of them.

Will have to wait to post more pics til I get home - nothing at my mom's place recognizes the new Sd card we bought. Oh, Max is rocking back & forth on all fours and doing lots of "planks" as well as moving around quite a bit. He also fell off of my bed one night - so he's been in the pack n' play since then. Luckily,he got wedged half way down and then fell the last few inches from a dead stop - so he only cried cuz he woke up, not cuz he had fallen far.

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