Wednesday, March 25, 2009

New words and tricks

So this last month or two max has really learned so much! He loves to sit on my lap, blow kisses, give hugs, and give slobbery "kisses". He says bubble & up (at least so we can understand him). He makes this questioning sound and babbles up a storm. He's also thrown a few fits, can shake his head no and angrily shove or throw away our wrong offerings to his demands. He says "uh oh" whenever he tips something over or we drop something and when he purposely tips over his cup at meal times. He does a lot of copying things that we do and yesterday he even started bouncing up and down (without leaving the ground when I said "jump! jump!") which I totally did not expect.

He is not a fan or oatmeal, french toast sticks or any kind of meats. At school we can pretty much count on them telling us later that he wanted nothing to do with any of the meat. He's also started smushing up green beans before eating them, where as a few weeks ago, he would not touch anything that had been squished. So things these days seem to be going at the speed of light. Oh, and he has 7 teeth now. His 4 front teeth, 2 bottom front teeth and 1 on the bottom has just come int.

1 comment:

makihsieh said...

how exciting : )