Thursday, October 29, 2009

Peanut Butter Cookies

Sorry it's been forever since we've posted anything. It's been a busy few weeks. On Labor Day, Max wanted to try a peanut butter cookie. Just a few broken pieces left, but Max was very insistent after refusing cakes and other yummy things, so we thought we'd let him try. His face broke out in hives and these skin things don't show up well in pictures, but here's a pic of our little guy ~20 min after eating what amounted to less than 1 cookie:

We got him tested and he's allergic to peanuts, eggs and shellfish (shrimp & crab reacted and the other bivalves were pretty low). Max tested negative for ovo-mucoid, which means he is ok with egg so long as it's cooked long enough to break down the proteins, so no scrambled eggs or even hard boiled eggs - stuff should be baked at a high temperature for a signifant amount of time. By completely eliminating exposure, this should help Max grow out of it if he is going to, so we're going to keep our fingers crossed.
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Unknown said...

fascinating insights on how the egg needs to be prepared... poor max & the reaction. it's good you took pics of it though.

Robin said...

The test for cooked egg allergy was called ovomucoid which I guess was whatever is left over once the egg proteins break down during cooking. Oh, the CeraVe has helped a ton with his eczema too.