Monday, December 24, 2007

washer scare

So on Christmas Eve we had a bit of a scare. I was running a load of baby clothes - onesies, tiny socks, blankets, etc. Our washer which is usually pretty loud, made some bad clunking noises and then stopped. We got a F02 error code and things were not looking good. No water was draining and the washer was not happy. We did some searching on the internet and got some buckets out. We took out all of the wet clothes, got as much water out of the drum as possible and then took off the front. The drain plug produced quite a bit more water and some of this did end up on the floor, but we did an ok job of getting most of this up. After poking around, found a bra extender (early pregnancy must) stuck in the filter/impeller. Basically, there is a small area in the front of our washer were any small baby socks or small items can get sucked down our drain. After letting everything dry out, the washer is back to working order and we'll have to remember to put all baby socks, baby mittens and other small items in a bag before throwing them in the washer from now on. But no service call at least!

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