Sunday, December 30, 2007

Week 35 update

Starting to go to the doctor every week from now until the baby comes. Last time, the OB was thinking the baby may have turned head down, but said we should wait til this time to be for sure. This week, the OB says she thinks the baby is still breech. This past week, there have been many times where my belly looks like a square or a heart - two bumps sticking out on either side of my belly button. I told the doctor this, and after checking the heartbeat, she said the baby is probably transverse, with the head still up - given where the heartbeat was heard the loudest. She said that we'll keep checking weekly and that at some point, they will do an ultrasound to be sure. And if I go to the hospital in labor that we can let them know that the baby's position has been breech & they will check again at the hospital. She did say that she's know babies who have turned in the last week, so a c-section is not for certain just yet.

1 comment:

Carina said...

Hang in there! I can't believe that it's already the end stretch for you and Wei Yan! Will pray that the baby decides to point downwards one of these days :)