Friday, March 14, 2008

growth spurt at 5.5 weeks continued

Just kidding. He totally fakes us out. He's back to 10 feedings a day and hasn't gone more than 3 hrs between feedings (and that's maybe once a day). Not too bad, but yeah, he eats for a really long time still. Anyway, just gotta keep through. Hopefully Wei Yan and my mom can hold out on the temptation to "just give him a bottle" - while the intentions are good to let me sleep & rest, I don't want to go through the not being able to keep up with his demand thing and trying to breastfeed & supplement with formula all by myself at home while everyone is gone a week from now. Max started this growth spurt Sunday - so someone please tell me it will be over soon. On the plus side, he is growing - for good or bad. He started using his hands to push off my chest and pull on me when he's really hungry. He also learned today that if he spits up in his mouth and then blows out it's really fun (too bad I was talking right to him when he first did this this morning). And he's hang onto my shirt when I'm feeding him and roll onto his side when we put him down on his play mat.


Charlene said...

The spurt will be over soon. They say that they eat more often to get you to where you will have enough supply to keep up with all the eating they are about to do. Resist the bottle. You don't want to have to warm it and test it while he's crying. It gets easier. I promise. Just hang in there. Hardest thing I've ever done...well there's childbirth...but that ended ya know.

Carina said...

You're doing a great job, Robin! Keep at it...I know it feels frustrating at times keeping up with a hungry kid...