Saturday, January 20, 2007

Michael & Judie's NC wedding reception

So after an anti-climactic 3rd place finish on Friday night, we slept in until about 12:30pm on Saturday. After lunch & a few chores, we headed off to Michael & Judie's NC wedding reception. We of course are running late, and when I get there, there are 2 ayi's (aunties) who are manning the greeting table. Embarrassed that I'm so late, I hand one of the aunties the box I made for all the cards, proceed to put my stuff down and then try to figure out what to do. One of the aunties is fluent in english, mandarin & cantonese (she did a fair amount of translating sermons at RCCC) and she knows practically everyone at the I doubt there is any benefit to running her off after showing up late. Before I can think too long, Nancy arrives and sits down. I join them and try to help with what I can, directing folks to their tables and getting the guys to transport gifts when they pile up.

Michael & Judie had a few new pictures in their slide show. We get to see a ton of folks we haven't seen in forever. We sit at the same table as the Lenfestey's and the Fan's and with all the kids, our corner of the room turns into a play room. The kids were all fairly quite, until the balloon start floating up to the hot lights & popping. One of the toddlers catches onto the clinking of the glasses. Very cute....but Michael & Judie probably couldn't appreciate it much.

After we help clean up a bit & help Dan with loading his car, we head home to watch the UNC game on DVR. All the folks with kids were outta there by 8:30-8:45pm and probably got to watch the game live, but it wasn't bad. We just hope we don't get a call or text from someone to spoil the game. Game was awesome, Carolina played really well and GT didn't seem to have a chance. Spurts of greatness...some very talented kids on their team, but just not enough. Felt bad for who ever it was on GT team that wasn't looking & got nailed in the head with a bullet pass. Pretty embarassing turnover...and there is footage of your coach all but laughing at you.

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