Monday, January 15, 2007


Yes, finally I am posting. I've been really sick. I'm hoping that today is the day I finally get through a day without a coughing fit. I've been sick for a little over 2 weeks and trying to take it easy. When I got back from LA, I went back to work right away and tried to do a little too much - and then I was back to super sick again. Cough syrup with codeine is my friend. The $35 co-pay is not, so I'm hoping to shake it before I need a refill.

Well, in LA, we were busy with my friend's wedding before Christimas. A few pictures are here:
Then there was Christmas, getting together with friends, and then I was sick in LA for the last few days & New Year's.

Oh, and for the LA casino's I'm finally up overall for a trip - I usually don't do so well since most players perseive that I'm a tight player and never pay me off. I didn't play as tight as I usually do, and folks folding to me just built up a lot of curiosity to what I was playing since they didn't get to see what I was playing most of the time. Not up much, but I will totally take a positive. Gotta start somewhere.


Unknown said...

Hi Robin! Sorry you got sick your vacation. That must've sucked! The pictures look great. :-) Any chance we can get it on cd from you?

Robin said...

Michael, definitely! I'll try to get it to you at the reception, but if I forget, I'll definitely get it to you soon.