Tuesday, January 23, 2007

New Year's resolutions!

didn't think much about new year's resolutions this year. I think it might just end up being to work on all the stuff I started before the end of last year, or didn't, but wanted to. mainly exercising and organizing/decorating the house. today after work, finally went to pilates for the first time this year. it was a good session, but I think I can now admit to hurting my left shoulder somehow. guess my body figured it was at least the same year as my 30th birthday, and me falling apart can't wait until the actual day.

so come home & wei yan has cooked me orange chicken from Trader Joe's. I surfed for shoulder injury prevention/treatment info on the web after dinner while we watch the class & how I met your mother. I try out some stretches and exercises and things feel better. after the end of 24 & heroes, I'm off to do some cardio on the elliptical. 25min later I'm feeling quite accomplished.

and I even vacuumed the floor of my bathroom & closet!

Wei Yan actually booked our trip to Hong Kong while I was vacuuming upstairs. So we are off to Hong Kong from Feb 9-20th! Now, he just has to get his passport renewed.

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