Sunday, September 28, 2008

It's chicken pox

Yup, the pediatrician says it's a classic case of chicken pox! Poor Max. Luckily for him, the pediatrician said that by now he's usually been miserably itchy by now. So the chicken pox vaccine is given at 12 months old usually - so on the plus side, guess this means 1 less shot later. On the bad side, we had dinner with friends + their kids on Tuesday and he also went to day care all last week - so I would be amazed if all the day care kids escape it. I already let everyone know to be on the look out, and hopefully Max won't get much fussier than he is. I feel bad that this past week we let him cry it out - apparently he was just feeling under the weather. Poor kid, I thought he had a pimple! Guess I just had it in my mind that he wasn't going to get chicken pox ever!


Unknown said...

Poor baby! Where did he get it from?

makihsieh said...

so sad. . . maybe he wasn't really the culprit, but some other day care kid! who woulda thunk it?!?!

Ms. D said...

I'm so sorry little Max got the chicken pox! I hope he recovers quickly...