Saturday, April 19, 2008

Best and Worse Parts about being a new mom

1. When you are so tired you are afraid you will fall asleep standing up or sitting somewhere while holding him and you're afraid you'll drop him, but you are just so tired.
2. Big poopy diapers. 'nuf said.
3. When Max is crying and you have no idea why and nothing seems to work.

1. Smelling Max right after his bath when he's all fresh and clean.
2. He smiles now. He doesn't necessarily recognize people now from what I can tell, but he finds joy in little things. He loves his mobile (winds up & moves while playing music) and his play mat. We can also make him smile when he's in a good mood just by talking to him and playing with him.
3. When I burp Max he puts his arm around mine and it's like getting a little hug. You can put your finger in his hand and he'll grab on and just hang on forever. :-)

1 comment:

Sharon said...

Hi RC,
We're finally over with our huge Career Week extravaganza, which ended last Friday. I didn't get home until 9 or 10 each night - it was fun, but exhausting!
So as a reward, I let myself check out your blog. I feel for you - you must be exhausted! I can only imagine how hard it is to make the transition to full-time day for max, and full-time work for you. But Max is such a cute little guy! I'm glad he's enjoying the play mat - and I'm glad you finally got your crib!
Hang in there, RC - I'll keep checking your blog. He must be so cute when he gives you his little hug!
Auntie Sharon