Tuesday, February 05, 2008

In Labor

The doctors came in this morning around 7am and started the Oxytocin drip to induce the contractions. They also went ahead and broke her water so the baby will have to be delivered within 24hrs of that no matter what. The contractions are varying between 1.5 - 3 min apart so not real consistent yet. The pain is increasing now so we are talking about going ahead and getting the epidural now. She is 4cm dilated.


Sharon said...

Wow - I hope RC is doing okay, and that she got some rest last night. By now, the baby must have arrived. I'm so excited to be a Great-Auntie!
I'll keep checking the post through the day - people at work will just have to accept that they are not my priority today!
Take care and love to both of you and my new grand-nephew!

Auntie Sharon

.:mike said...

Keep us updated!