Sunday, February 24, 2008

weigh in

took max to the pediatrician on Wed. he was only 8 lbs 8.5 ounces and the dr was not happy that he had only gained .5 ounce in 8 days. he told us to up bottle feedings to 3 ounces and feed him more often. after not getting any sleep tuesday night after my mom left & I woke up to every noise max made in his sleep, i was very upset at the pediatrician's conclusion that we weren't feeding him enough. but finally got some sleep & slept in the other bedroom while Wei Yan slept with the baby in our bedroom after that 1st night.

thurs & friday morning pm max decided on his own that he wanted to be fed every 2 hours for the first couple feeding of the day. saturday night he took 4 ounces of formula and would not be ok with anything less. friday we took him back to the pediatricians office and he was 8 lbs 15 ounces. i think he's gained even a few more ounces since then. luckily we've made it through most of Saturday without having to give him any formula and he's been content, so hopefully soon my milk supply will be able to keep up with him and we can keep little max gaining weight. thurs & friday were rough since it's hard to breastfeed & then try to get a supplemental bottle into him all in one feeding. saturday I even got a chance to get out of the house & walk around with him in his stroller for a few minutes.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Bottle and boob... so hard! Hang in there, it will work itself out. I used to pump after a few feedings a day to make more milk. It worked for me, esp. b/c I went back to work when he was only 4 months. The pumping after the feeding really upped the volume, I had enough frozen milk to last almost a whole month.