Wednesday, January 16, 2008

12 days to go


I was measuring a little on the big side, so the doctors decided to do an ultrasound to make sure everything was ok. Everything looks fine, and they concluded that I'm measuring big because the baby is big. The ultrasound is not exact (they give estimates plus or minus a pound) - but the machine calculated that the baby is 7 lbs 8 oz and about the 61% percentile. That lines up with the 30 week ultrasound that said he was in the 60th percentile. Course they also said his head is measuring in the 86th percentile - so I told Wei Yan that was his fault. But, yeah, could be any day now. The ultrasound lady was nice enough to switch it over to the 3D ultrasound and print out a few pictures - the quality is not that great, but you can see that he's got some very chubby cheek and we could even see his poutty lips in the profile.

They said next week that they will go ahead and schedule an induction for sometime in the 41th week just to have the appointment booked, but that a lot of women go into labor by then. So at the very least, we'll be having an avergage to larger than average baby - if he comes out at 8 lbs, I guess that means that all the newborn clothes will be packed away right from the start!
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

oh, look, he's a cutey chunker already! Chunkers are the cutest! Wait until his cheeks rest on his shoulders... so cute!