Monday, January 07, 2008

Week 37

Today (Monday) the baby is officially full term. So if the baby come before the official January 28 due date, he will be considered full term (not premature) even though it would be early. This also means that the baby's due date is exactly 3 weeks from today! Our furniture is probably going to come after the baby is due, but we've got the pack 'n play set up and plenty of clothes and diapers. A lot of folks ask me if I'm ready to have the baby, but I'm still feeling like we need more time to get ready for the baby, it would be nice to do a few more things to clean up the house and wrap things up at work. It's a big relief to know that the baby is now full term and still elbowing and kneeing me vigorously. My hip was hurting a bit the last 2 days, but nothing too bad or uncomfortable - just tired these days. I'm sure I'll get to that point though, because folks tell me all the time that the last few weeks you get to the point where you are ready to just be done with the whole pregnancy thing.

1 comment:

makihsieh said...

i'd better get cracking on my knitting, then!! maybe my project will beat the baby! : )